After all the recent hub-bub and hype, the follower count is up over 40% (from 27 to 39). It occurs to me that there are now more people expecting me to actually write something interesting and show furniture picture. Just that many more people to disappoint on a regular basis…

Oh, well. I must press on.

This here set is a collection of picture from several local dealers and auctions over a few weeks last April and May. No dealer or auction had enough for a post but collectively they had enough interesting pieces for a really good set. This is a highlight reel.

First up is this variation on the the ladder back chair. Warning, it’s French.

The interesting chair.

The interesting chair.

And why it's interesting.

And why it’s interesting.

Then there is this chest with many unique features:

If I had the room and budget...

If I had the room and budget…

First is the side lock mechanism:

Right molding is hinged and locked. This molding overlaps the edge of the drawers and prevents them from opening.

Right molding is hinged and locked. This molding overlaps the edge of the drawers and prevents them from opening.

The lock.

The lock.

The other unique feature is that the bottom three drawers aren’t.

It's not three drawers but one door.

It’s not three drawers but one door.

Is this wall cabinet old?

Is it old?

And how old is it?

Is it from 1832?

Could be old.

Could be old.

Looks like it has some age one it.

Looks like it has some age one it.

Maybe not.

Phillips screws and corrugated fasteners are not.

Phillips screws and corrugated fasteners are not that old.

Could be a married piece.

No collection would be complete without a painted piece:

An armoire with painted panels.

An armoire with painted panels.

A painted panel.

Looks old but looks can be deceiving.

Last teaser is this corner cabinet:

An attractive corner cabinet.

An attractive corner cabinet.


Could be mice.

Could be mice.

To see more like these, click HERE for the rest of the set.